Thursday, October 30, 2008

bible study.

last week we started a girls' bible study in sumperk. pray for us [babu, ifka, sharkie, pavla, magda, cassie & myself] as we meet every tuesday to talk about what it really means to worship God. it's now one of the best parts of my week to meet with these girls and study scripture together [even when we come across strange words that are super hard to translate]...i just love them!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Josiah Venture Vision Night!!

Next Generation from Josiah Venture on Vimeo.

Novemeber 10th will be a really cool night in MINNEAPOLIS...and you're invited! several Josiah Venture missionaries and nationals will be visiting to share what JV is doing in Eastern Europe! i'd love for each of you to be able to go...really, REALLY! i know sometimes what i am doing here might seem a little abstract without seeing it first hand, but this vision night on the 10th is all about giving the big picture of what God has done in all JV countries (a great encrouagement to see the fruit of your support!) what God is doing, and JV's hopes for what God will do in the near future!

so, here's what you do:
1.go to RSVP for the Minneapolis Vision Night on the evening of Novemeber 10th!
(all the details are on the website)
3.come, eat dessert, and see cool people tell cool stories.

you'll hear GREAT stories and see really cool videos with students here talking about how God has changed them through what JV is doing in Europe! it's pretty exciting stuff in my opinion, so i'd love it if you could go and hear specifics about what God is doing amoung youth here and Josiah Venture's desire to continue in that.

if these videos stir your heart even the tiniest bit...i'll think you'd love to be a part of this event!!

One Percent from Josiah Venture on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

wednesday english club!

cassie, klara, kuba, sharkie, babu
lenka, kuba, radek, honza, premek, trevor
playing the word game "in a pickle"

Monday, October 6, 2008

sometimes i struggle with guilt...

like when i see things like this: an add for Paris Fashion Week on the side of a New York Times article about the horrible situation in South Africa.

and then i feel twice as guilty about my own life, like i should be on a plane headed to feed starving orphans rather than whatever i happen to be doing at the moment.

i care about starving orphans. i really do. but more recently that 'guilt' seems to be blocked by one thing: actual HOPE.

remember the Oklahoma City bombing? i remember thinking that was simply CRAZY. isn't it sad how small that seems now in comparison with everything else? 

our world is so sad. i'm becoming more and more convinced that there's nothing or no one but Jesus Christ that can offer ACTUAL HOPE. maybe that's why i've yet to get on a plane headed to Africa, because it's no longer easy to overlook the desperate and lost in all places. 

Jesus said, "The [devil] comes only to STEAL and KILL and DESTROY; I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the FULL." 

i think it's a lot more about reality than it is about compassion
[i learned that word in kindergarden in the context of being nice to people on the school bus. ha.] my point is that in reality, i can be on the same level as someone dieing in africa, or someone diamond studded in downtown minneapolis. i either have TRUE, ACTUAL, REAL hope and life, or i don't. 

i want young people in czech to have true hope. i want you to have true hope. i want to remember more often that i have true hope.