Saturday, May 17, 2008

hi everyone : )

this time tomorrow i'll be on a plane to chicago (i miss you, old friend)...then onto zurich...and finally to prague!  i just wanted to put a little something up here before i left. thank you for everything you've done to help me get to this point! how do i deserve to be treated so faithfully by the God of all things? 

dad, remember to buy mom lots of dairy queen starting now... : )


Katie Chen said...

so proud of you. can't wait to see you there!
~love, katie

jackie lea said...

I miss you already! So excited for this AMAZING opportunity and for all the young people who will be BLESSED by your time there. Love you a LOT.

Teddi said...


So glad the United lady was oh so wrong and you didn't get deported!

Mom turned down DQ last night. What is with that?

Trust your run training will pay big dividends soon.

Love you so much, Dad